
on March 4, 2011
I do not know what is wrong with me.

I think people easily to influence me, like :

1. Armedi influence to join nacel, well i mean i know about nacel from him until i decided to join with nacel, other wise my parents want me to finish my school in other state and i don't know exactly their reason.

2. Rachel said to me "Ria you should join with swim team its fun" even i am so freaking tired of swimming and in the middle of swimming I decided to join with musical because my teacher told me about that and sounds really fun, to be honest yes musical is fun.

3. Katherine influence me to join with tennis for spring season and here I am, I do join with tennis. Wish me luck I wish I can be in varsity or if i could not I will be in JV not freshmen.


on March 1, 2011
This week many thing happened for me. I do my chore which is today I'm just done with it and Armedi saw me to do that, scrubbed the kitchen floor. Today also a german girl move to my house, she just got kick out from her host parents cause she wanna go out and the other reason is she doing track right now & her host parents hate my hostmom which is her coordinator. But my host mom said that she will move her again cause she cannot have her until the end o the program, I'm kinda thinking what about me? Am I gonna still stay here? Well I hope so, cause it just 3 months left. Hello march!

The other thing that kinda bother me this time is American government, I need to take a test cause when I have those test I had musical (matinee) but I mean I really like musical, it's fun stuffs and I enjoyed it even just an ensemble. The 2nd things that bother me is prom, I wanna go to prom I just wanna know how it's feel that I'm going to prom with my friends, but I Need a dress etc it's kida urgh!

Well it's bed time now, I'm going to be so tired tomorrow cause I do tennis too, night night fellas! :)

Kepengen banget..

on February 26, 2011
Ya Allah... pengen banget Summer ini ke Australia... :"(
Eh... kalo July di Australia kan winter ya?
Tapi bodo ah, pengen banget abis pulang dari nacel ke Australia ya Allah pengen banget



on February 25, 2011
Gatau kenapa, waktu itu gak sengaja ke-search Cody Simpson dengan hits iyiyi. Orang-orang bilang dia ngikutin Jusbier tapi menurut gue engga ah, kerenan dia, bisa dance lagi kaya penyanyi korea wakak, lagunya lumayan enak, cocok banget buat summer theme, dan dia asalnya dari Australi jadi ya lebih keren haha *apasih*
Tapi.. kenapa ya doi mesti pindah ke LA? ngapain coba mending di Australia..


Yang benar saja...

on February 21, 2011
Oke, setelah sekitar 3 minggu tanpa wifi Brandan (which is wifi yang gue colong biasanya) menghilang dari udara, saya sekarang pakai wifi Perawan mobile (nama disamarkan -red) yang perbulan $40 dan harganya naik sekarang jadi $50.

Wifi Brandan

Perawan Mobile

Bagaimana saya tidak kesal! Bayar $50 hanya buat membayar koneksivitas yang lebih parah dari seekor siput tua hamil mau mati..

Dear Perawan mobile..
"Senggama lo!" ucap nenek tua diatas.
