
on March 1, 2011
This week many thing happened for me. I do my chore which is today I'm just done with it and Armedi saw me to do that, scrubbed the kitchen floor. Today also a german girl move to my house, she just got kick out from her host parents cause she wanna go out and the other reason is she doing track right now & her host parents hate my hostmom which is her coordinator. But my host mom said that she will move her again cause she cannot have her until the end o the program, I'm kinda thinking what about me? Am I gonna still stay here? Well I hope so, cause it just 3 months left. Hello march!

The other thing that kinda bother me this time is American government, I need to take a test cause when I have those test I had musical (matinee) but I mean I really like musical, it's fun stuffs and I enjoyed it even just an ensemble. The 2nd things that bother me is prom, I wanna go to prom I just wanna know how it's feel that I'm going to prom with my friends, but I Need a dress etc it's kida urgh!

Well it's bed time now, I'm going to be so tired tomorrow cause I do tennis too, night night fellas! :)


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