Family long last

on February 21, 2011
"family long last" the first time i heard that words when linda, my host mom said that to me in the kitchen table. suddenly when i heard she said like that i'm thinking about my family. how ever family is number one for me, who can live without family? we dont even be here without our parents, but right now i just feel like my family its like long last. i mean we always spend our time together when everybody at home, but since my father so busy and he always work in borneo and just come home to jakarta hmm maybe every 2 weeks or more because it always depend on his job so its kinda hard for us to spend our time together. ok, go back with what linda said to me, she said every sunday when she was young she always spent her time with her father every friday. after i heard she said that i feel so sad cause i cannot spend my time just both of us me and my father together, i wish i could but...i couldn't. the thing is he too busy and everytime he come to jakarta, everytime i wanna spend my time with him, he always said he couldn't or he said that he wanna my little sister and my mom join with us. honestly, i always happy when we do that but deep inside i wanna do it just both us. sometime i just think that he can afford whatever that i want but not that one, i just wanna know what it feel when i can spend my time together with my dad, i wish i could.



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