Kepengen banget..

on February 26, 2011
Ya Allah... pengen banget Summer ini ke Australia... :"(
Eh... kalo July di Australia kan winter ya?
Tapi bodo ah, pengen banget abis pulang dari nacel ke Australia ya Allah pengen banget



on February 25, 2011
Gatau kenapa, waktu itu gak sengaja ke-search Cody Simpson dengan hits iyiyi. Orang-orang bilang dia ngikutin Jusbier tapi menurut gue engga ah, kerenan dia, bisa dance lagi kaya penyanyi korea wakak, lagunya lumayan enak, cocok banget buat summer theme, dan dia asalnya dari Australi jadi ya lebih keren haha *apasih*
Tapi.. kenapa ya doi mesti pindah ke LA? ngapain coba mending di Australia..


Yang benar saja...

on February 21, 2011
Oke, setelah sekitar 3 minggu tanpa wifi Brandan (which is wifi yang gue colong biasanya) menghilang dari udara, saya sekarang pakai wifi Perawan mobile (nama disamarkan -red) yang perbulan $40 dan harganya naik sekarang jadi $50.

Wifi Brandan

Perawan Mobile

Bagaimana saya tidak kesal! Bayar $50 hanya buat membayar koneksivitas yang lebih parah dari seekor siput tua hamil mau mati..

Dear Perawan mobile..
"Senggama lo!" ucap nenek tua diatas.



Hari ini kayak biasa. Bengong-bengong aja. Ya mau gimana lagi? Yang namanya tinggal di kota kecil berpopulasi 8400 bernama Chester ini, kalo libur, eitherway, elu nge-drugs di basement temen atau di depan komputer. Eh...nggak mesti gitu juga sih (haha), tapi kalau cari entertainment emang perlu ke kota lain. Gue sih gak keberatan aja di rumah. Kan gue jadi orang juga bukan yang high-maintenance girl gitu (alias nyante).

Oke, jadi gini, kayak biasa, gue menghabiskan waktu berkutat di depan laptop lagi hari ini. Mostly, lanjut naskah komik sama sedikit-sedikit buffer YouTube. Dan,tumben, pas gue buka Facebook, ada Kak Hary! Dia itu adalah senpai sekaligus sensei gue di Japan Shitsu (semacam ekskul Jepang di SMA 77). Udah lama, kan, gak denger kabarnya. Berikut hasil cuplikan chat gue sama dia:

btw kamu bantuin apa nii dikomik ini

aku bikin cerita
sama...konsep desain karakter
kalo panel...
aku cuma proofread aja
sama ngebilangin mana yang kurang lancar


mmm apa kak?

kurang lebih sama kayak kerjaanku skg

kakak yang bikin cerita?

aku bantuin bikin adegan2 action
cuma rough sketch sih


bikin background (ini yg paling males :3)

mana2 juga males

sama pengaturan panel dikit2

kak, misalnya kalo bantuin bikin adegan action komikku mau gak

makanya kesini!

ya lewat email dong

ribet ah! kesini aja

ih pelit nih, kak hary


kakak mau bikin komik kakak sendiri kapan kak?
kan ntar biar bisa kubanggain
"tuh, senpai gueeee"

iya doain yaa

tapi aku udah level up kan ya, kak?
udah dewasa dan pro kan ya, kak?
puji dong
*minta ditendang*

ya kuakui kamu udah lebih berani

berani apa, kak?

berani2nya kamu bikin komik duluan

sebelum berumur, kak


Family long last

"family long last" the first time i heard that words when linda, my host mom said that to me in the kitchen table. suddenly when i heard she said like that i'm thinking about my family. how ever family is number one for me, who can live without family? we dont even be here without our parents, but right now i just feel like my family its like long last. i mean we always spend our time together when everybody at home, but since my father so busy and he always work in borneo and just come home to jakarta hmm maybe every 2 weeks or more because it always depend on his job so its kinda hard for us to spend our time together. ok, go back with what linda said to me, she said every sunday when she was young she always spent her time with her father every friday. after i heard she said that i feel so sad cause i cannot spend my time just both of us me and my father together, i wish i could but...i couldn't. the thing is he too busy and everytime he come to jakarta, everytime i wanna spend my time with him, he always said he couldn't or he said that he wanna my little sister and my mom join with us. honestly, i always happy when we do that but deep inside i wanna do it just both us. sometime i just think that he can afford whatever that i want but not that one, i just wanna know what it feel when i can spend my time together with my dad, i wish i could.



Jadi gini, hari ini aku pergi ke G*eat *lips untuk potong rambut..
"Mau potong seperti apa?" tanya ibu-ibu itu.
"Seperti ini.." aku menunjukkan foto yang pas di Chicago awal pertama kali datang kesini.
setelah itu dia mulai kan potong rambutku, cepet banget, takutnya tiba-tiba rambutku botak. Lalu dengan tergesa-gesa aku segera mengambil kacamataku dan melihat perawakan ku di kaca..
Hasilnya... gak jelek sih, emang seperti yang difoto.
Setelah selesai aku ke cashier dan bayar kan, harganya $14 dan bego nya, iya bego, aku kasih dia tips $5 aaaah... bego ya aku udah berpikir itu banyak banget, padahal $2 saja cukup!
ya sudah lah, namanya juga kecelakaan.. semoga aja aku menang lomba contest design jadi aku bisa dapet $500 dan gantinya uang tips itu *agak ga nyambung*

P.s : gue gamarah kok re, maksud gue pengen nyamain format aja.. tapi kalo ga suka gapapa. People has right to do everything they wants.

oh ya ini fotonya :
"$5 bisa makan di Chinese buffet.." ucapnya


Quote of the day

on February 20, 2011

“A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably” 
Eleanor Roosevelt


Teenage Dream..

The hardest part being teenager is immature. I'm still teenager though but I can know what teenager do and what teenager feels when they have choices, yes it is, They will be so immature. Being teenager also exploring, They really want to know every single things even though that's bad things either good things.
Also for future..
They certainly have too many choices for their future. And if they never had exploring what career which suitable with themselves, someday, they will regret what they choose.
Ok, I do not really sure with my choice though. Back to here and do 2 year program associate--it's my temporary choice. I can not say that's my last choice. But I'm pretty sure, I'm gonna do that.
Everybody has right to choose whatever they want, but, we has right too to open our mind with its condition.
Are you confuse with your future too?
You are the leader for your life.
Close your ears, open your eyes, open your mind, what supposed you do with your life. Because life is about one times, make it wonderful.



Ok, here is the thing now I'm just browsing an information about international relation and our minister guess what? Oh my god, they are really good. And now I'm totally jealous with them. For example,

Marty Natalegawa, he's really smart. He start his middle school in Singapore International School then he got his degree or master in LSE, London and now he became our foreign minister until now.

Alwi Shihab, oh my lord he is totally awesome he teach islam in us then he teach in harvard also auburn theological seminar in new york, see he is so cool, and after read their biography its make me wanna really study hard to get what i want and that is my goal and i have faith and belief that i can do it, last but not least wish me luck fellas :)

<3 Ria


"People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!"
- Sent by Ali Nitka

"Friends are the siblings God forgot to give us."
Sent in by Hillary

"Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever."

"You'll always be my best friend, you know too much!"

"Thank you for understand, sharing, and laughing even cry together always love you teamsomething."



As you know maybe I'm a sensitive person well not sensitive "sensitive" but hmm i dont know how to explain it to you all.
To be honest, when I'm done read Renisa blog about "envy-ness" its make me remember and remind me to be more mature and didn't do any stuffs like that. When I'm done with read that blog also I feel like, hmm maybe I did that but still that depends from other people who think about me. But really that blog its good and make us always remember about that, nobody perfect cause perfect is just god but we can always try to be a nice  person to everybody even they didn't like us.



"Cause everything is never as it seems"



Gini ya, sebenernya aku pengen banget setelah lulus sekolah nanti terbang ke Seattle buat mengunjungi salah satu temanku disana. Tujuannya sih baik : college visit.
Namun aku benci sama peraturan, yang ini lah itu lah.. Kalo toh tujuannya memang baik kenapa sih gak dibolehin aja?

Oke... maaf langsung nyerocos aja.

jadi tadi sehabis lunch, aku cerita ke ibu asuhku kalau akau berniat untuk college visit setelah graduation bulan Mei nanti. Dia bilang sih boleh, namun statementnya itu tersirat seakan-akan aku gak boleh kesana. Manis sekali kata-katanya, mampu menetralisir kata "Iya" menjadi "Tidak"

Padahalkan aku kesana bukan jalan-jalan! aku kesana buat melihat bagaimana situasi calon sekolahku nanti. Lebih berarti dan berguna, bukan?
Dan aku benci berargumen, benci berargumen dengan orang yang bisa memutar balikan fakta. Sama saja aku berargumen dengan patung alias nonsense.

Grrrr... kalian gak tahu betapa gondoknya aku sekarang



another post from me :) totally different post, but I just want to share something that make me smile with you guys.

I know it's kinda weird still thinking about asian while I'm in the other side of the globe.
but really?! I dont think I can do that.
okay, so yesterday I was watching another drama "secret garden", and I really fell in love with this song.

yeah it's hyun bin :D

I just change my wallpaper in my phone and it's always make me smile if I look at my phone :)
yeah he is my 남자 친구 :)

one more I LOVE TEAM SOMETHING!!! you guys are awesome!!!

from texas with love



I like when my mom and my dad always let me choose my own decision. It's kinda hard though. 
I like when my mom and my dad always let me be responsible with my decision. well, I know it's really hard.
I like when my mom and my dad always give me support to do whatever I want and let me be the one who think which one is good and which one is bad. 
Sometimes it makes me think and be grateful, when my parents raised me like "tiger mom" but they still give me space to think what I want. I think tiger mom is not really bad though as long they still give their child space.

now, I really have to choose, it's not a life or death decisions, but it's even worse than that. future?! being 17 years old and have to decide what I want to do for the next 5 years?!, no the next 10 years?!, pfff...!! what I'm talking about, it's about to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life!!!. I really need to think but my brain sometimes not good enough to think. God is the one who always help me about this, hopefully God help me make the right decision. 


Lesson for Today

Well this is just list what I learned for today :

1. Wake up early sometime made you feel fresh, maybe cause fresh air
2. Go walk for 5-10 minutes or at least just 1 block from your home, can make you healthy
3. Do not ever go up to the hills when you play ski *
4. Always be patient with "ortem"
5. Learn how to cook. Indonesian food is kinda important, then make it to your host family
6. Chose better movie before you sleep
7. Take a good nap
8. Enjoy your life

* just if you are not comfortable
